Friday, March 18, 2016

Paper Tube Structures - Making best use of pamphlets

It's very common when you attend a function or an event you find glossy colorful pamphlets spread all over the place. After event all these colorful stuff end up into dust / recycle bin. Next time when you visit an event and manage to get few do not forget to collect as many as you can. In this short article let's know how to make best use of pamphlets. Let's run through these three simple steps, 
1. Collect some glossy attractive Pamphlets. No matter what size but shape should be preferably square / rectangular.

2. Roll them into small pipes. Paste the end portion so that it remains stable (I prefer using Favicol which is available in general store, Figure 2). Try to maintain diameter and strength of the paper tube by rolling it tight. Also, roll few small diameter tubes which will help to easily increase the length using joints. 

3. Cut /join them to design your own paper tube structure. Fast settling glue / glue gun (glue gun is commonly used for fixing electrical hardware / circuits) can be used to join the paper tubes.

My designs:
1. Music system holder
The paper tube structure shown below is there for last 4 years in my room.

Paper tube music system holder (concept)

2. Smartphone stand
Few friends have asked to make one for their mobile, but unfortunately I didn't find much time to do that.
Paper tube smartphone stand (concept)

Paper tube smartphone stand (prototype)

3. Office paper holder 

Layered paper holder (concept)

Notice hanger (concept)

4. RoomSense Abacus: Binary Room Temperature Humidity Display Pod
Binary room Temperature, Humidity display pod made of paper tubes (horizontal, power off view)
Binary room Temperature, Humidity display pod made of paper tubes (vertical, power on view).

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